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strange facts about the color black

strange facts about the color black
strange facts about the color black

Black is the darkest colour.

Like white, black lacks pigment and is therefore considered a fluorescent colour.

   But unlike the colours of the spectrum and most of its mixtures,

The human eye sees black in the absence of light or when all wavelengths of the visible spectrum are absorbed.

Black is not part of the traditional colour wheel. It is generally considered colourless because it absorbs all other colours in the visible spectrum.

When diluted with white, black becomes grey, pale, bright colour with some black and white streaks.

Black and white are often used to describe opposites such as good and evil, darkness versus illumination and night versus day.

Black was one of the first colours used in art, with prehistoric cave drawings, such as those at Lascaux in France, featuring signs and images made with charcoal, later obtained from dark pigments by burning bones or grinding manganese oxide powder.

For the ancient Egyptians, black had positive associations - being the colour of fertility and the rich black soil that the Nile flooded. The god of false knowledge, the colour of Anubis, took the form of a black jackal, whose mission was to protect the dead from evil

For the ancient Greeks, black was a primary colour. According to Pliny the Elder in his Natural History, Apelles and other famous ancient Greek painters used only four colours in their paintings - black, white, red and yellow. For painting, the Greeks used the highly toxic pigment lead

White, made through a long and arduous process - of all the pigments that have been banned over the centuries, the one that painters probably missed was white lead.

For the ancient Greeks, black also represented the underworld, separated from the living world by the river Akron, whose waters were black.

The colour assigned to an emperor in ancient Rome is purple according to the hierarchy. The black they wore was neither deep nor rich - the plant pigments used to make black were neither strong nor durable, so blacks often turned grey or faded to brown.

Black was also the Roman colour of death and mourning.

In the early Middle Ages, black was commonly associated with darkness and evil.

In fashion, black did not have the prestige of red, the colour of nobility.

It was worn by Benedictine monks as a sign of humility and penitence.

In the 12th century, a famous theological dispute broke out between the Cistercian monks, who wore white, and the Benedictines, who wore black. The abbot of the Benedictine monastery, Peter the Venerable, accused the Cistercians of being too proud to wear white instead of black. St Bernard of Clairvaux, founder of the Cistercians, replied that black was the colour of Satan, Hell and "death and sin", while white represented "purity, innocence and all the virtues". 

For the ancient Greeks, black was a primary colour. According to Pliny the Elder in his Natural History, Apelles and other famous ancient Greek painters used only four colours in their paintings - black, white, red and yellow. For painting, the Greeks used the highly toxic pigment lead

White, made through a long and arduous process - of all the pigments that have been banned over the centuries, the one that painters probably missed was white lead.

For the ancient Greeks, black also represented the underworld, separated from the living world by the river Acheron, whose waters were black.

In ancient Rome, purple was the colour assigned to the emperor according to the social ladder.. The black they wore was neither deep nor rich - the plant pigments used to make black were neither strong nor durable, so blacks often turned grey or faded to brown. Black was also the Roman colour of death and mourning. In the early Middle Ages, black was commonly associated with darkness and evil. In fashion, black did not have the prestige of red, the colour of nobility. It was worn by Benedictine monks as a sign of humility and penitence. In the 12th century, a famous theological dispute broke out between the Cistercian monks, who wore white, and the Benedictines, who wore black. The abbot of the Benedictine monastery, Peter the Venerable, accused the Cistercians of being too proud to wear white instead of black. St Bernard of Clairvaux, founder of the Cistercians, replied that black was the colour of Satan, Hell and "death and sin", while white represented "purity, innocence and all virtues".Black symbolised power and secrecy in the medieval world. The black eagle is the emblem of the Holy Roman Empire. The black knight in medieval poetry was a mysterious figure,

He hides his identity, which is usually shrouded in secrecy.

In the early Middle Ages, black was rarely part of a noble family's wardrobe. The only exception was sable fur. This shiny black fur, from an animal of the marten family, was the finest and most expensive fur in Europe.

In the 14th century, the status of black people began to change. First of all, high-quality black pigments began to appear on the market, which made it possible to create deep, rich black clothes. Black robes are a sign of high positions in the state, in Europe, it is forbidden to wear expensive clothes and some colours by anyone except the nobles.

While black was the colour worn by Catholic leaders in Europe, it was also the colour of choice for the Protestant Reformation in Europe and the Puritans in England and America.

In Protestant Holland, Rembrandt used this new sober palette of black and brown to create portraits whose faces emerged from shadows expressing the deepest human emotions.

The European Enlightenment in the eighteenth century adopted black as a modern colour.. Paris became the capital of fashion, and the pastel colours blue, green, yellow and white became the colours of the nobility and upper classes. But after the French Revolution, black became the dominant colour again.

Black was the colour of the industrial revolution, fuelled mainly by coal and then oil.

In the 19th century, the invention of new cheap synthetic black paints and the industrialisation of the textile industry meant that quality black clothing was first available to the general public. Black gradually became the most popular colour for upper and middle-class workwear in England, the continent and America.

In the 1950s, black symbolizes individualism, intellectual and social rebellion, and the colour of those who rebel against the inertia of established values.

By the end of the 20th century, black was the iconic colour of the punk subculture, punk fashion and the gothic subculture. Gothic fashion originated in England in the 1980s and was inspired by the Victorian era

Mourning dress

Black is the colour most associated with the style in Europe and the US, followed by silver, gold and white.

In China, black is associated with water and is one of the five basic elements that are supposed to make up everything - and with the direction of winter, cold and north, it is usually symbolised by a black tortoise.

Invented in China, black ink was traditionally used in the Middle Ages for writing, for the simple reason that black was the darkest colour and therefore offered the greatest contrast to white paper or parchment, making it the easiest colour to read. It became important in the 15th century with the invention of printing. A new type of ink, printable ink, was formed from soot, turpentine and walnut oil. The new ink helped to spread ideas to a wide audience through printed books and to spread art through engravings and black and white prints. Because of its contrast and brightness, black ink on white paper remains the standard for printing books, newspapers and documents - and for the same reason, black text on a white background is the most common size on computer screens.

Traditional Chinese black ink, often called Chinese ink, is usually made from soot mixed with animal glue - and is highly valued for its durability and transparency.

"True black" is often used by designers looking for a dark black and original ink.

However, in print design, a darker black ink called rich black is the desired black colour for printing. Designers can achieve this by mixing pure black ink with one or more colours from the CMYK range.

A black hole is an area of space-time where gravity prevents everything, including light, from escaping. It is called "black" because it absorbs all the light that touches the horizon, and reflects nothing, just like a perfectly thermodynamically black body.

The fact that space is dark is sometimes called Olvers' paradox. Theoretically, since the universe is full of stars and is considered infinitely large, one would expect the light from an infinite number of stars to be sufficient to illuminate the entire universe at any given time. However, the background colour of the space is black. This discrepancy was first noted in 1823 by the German astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olivers, who asked why the sky was dark.
