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golden eagle aquila chrysaetos

golden eagle aquila chrysaetos all about birds
golden eagle aquila chrysaetos all about birds 

It has undoubtedly fallen below historical levels, but the current population is considered stable. It may not be able to withstand human disturbance near the nest.

The falcon and eagle family

Habitat is open mountains, foothills, plains, open countryside. Requires an open floor. In the north and west, they are found in tundra, grasslands, meadows, or deserts. Very widespread in winter, and more restricted to areas with good nesting sites in summer. In the forests of eastern North America, it often hunts in swamps or along rivers.

This wonderful bird is widespread in the wilder parts of North America, Europe, and Asia. About the size of a bald eagle, it no longer feeds on scavengers but on a predator that regularly feeds on prey the size of foxes and cranes. The golden eagle was important to many Native American tribes, who revered the eagle's courage and strength and attributed mysterious powers to the bird and even to its feathers.

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feeding behavior

The eagle will search for prey by flying high or flying down the slopes; it also watches its prey from high perches. When prey is spotted, the eagle dives for it in its talons. The pair sometimes hunts together, the second bird catching prey that has escaped from the first.


2, sometimes 1-3, rarely 4. White to orange, characterized by brown. Sometimes the clutch egg is unmarked. Incubation is carried out by both parents (the female does more), 41-45 days. Young: The female stays with the young most of the time, while the male hunts most of the time, bringing the prey to the nest. the female hunts more often. Once the young are cut in half. The life span of the young during the first flight is about 60 to 70 days.


The female stays mostly with the young at first, while the male hunts most of the time, bringing his prey to the nest. the female hunts more often. Once the young are cut in half.. The life span of the young during the first flight is about 60-70 days.


Most of them are small mammals. They usually feed on mammals ranging in size from ground squirrels to prairie dogs, marmots, and hares. You can sometimes catch small rodents (mice and rats) or larger animals such as foxes, small antelopes, or young deer. It also eats birds, especially birds like grouse, but rarely eat birds as big as cranes or as small as sparrows. Also some snakes, lizards and large insects. It will feed on carrion, including dead fish.


They may mate for life. During a courtship, two birds circle high in the air, diving weakly against each other. The territorial display includes frequent high flight followed by steep dives, loops, rolls, and other stunts. The nesting site is most often on the edge of a cliff, often also in a large tree, rarely on the ground. Sites may be used for many years. A pair may have two or more alternative nesting sites, using them in different years. The nest is made of sticks, coated with weeds and moss leaves.. New material is added each year and the nest can become huge.
