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   The panda bear is a member of the family of Orsids

The panda bear is a member of the family of Orsids, and this bear has some morphological characteristics in common with cats, which are the pupil of the eye that is very similar to slits; Which makes them look like cats, and the scientific name of this bear; Iloropoda melanoleuca, which literally means; The cat that carries the black, and white, and during this article Vetwork will explain to you:

What are the types of panda bear pictures and the most important characteristics?

Red Panda Bear.

Giant Panda.

1- Red Panda Bear

World's Weirdest Animals: Red Panda

The red panda belongs to the family Ailoridae, and it settles in mountains around the world. It was found in the Himalayas, which belong to a number of different countries, including; China, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, and Laos, and the red panda is the smallest species of bear in the world; where its volume is equal to; The size of a small dog, or the size of a domestic cat.

Brown hair covers the entire body of the red panda bear, along with a number of white and black stripes together, and adorns its legs and body; The black, brown, and soft fur patches of this bear; It provides protection from very cold weather; Which usually prevails in the atmosphere in the Himalayas, and specialists have reached in the beginning; To the fact that this animal is one of the members of the raccoon family, but with careful research; It was discovered that it belongs to the family of the panda bear.

2- Giant Panda

Giant Pandas 101 | Nat Geo Wild

The giant panda is considered one of the rarest types of bears, and it is in danger of extinction. It is the largest panda species in the world, and its most prominent characteristic is; Its fur has black spots. The weight of the male giant panda is about 113 kilograms, while the weight of the female does not exceed one hundred kilograms. Giant pandas depend on bamboo as food for them, and in the absence of it; They resort to different fruits, fish, and honey as well.

This type of bear lives in the mountains of western China, but the vast majority of these breeds are animals; It resides in the north of Xinling, in addition to the western mountainous region of Minshan, and the number of bears in this place has reached about 1,600 pandas only, and after conducting many statistics by the World Fund for Nature, the following was revealed.

the vast majority of giant pandas; They make their home in China.

Approximately 45% of giant pandas, or 720 bears, live in the Minshan Mountains.

20% of the total giant panda bears, or about 300 bears; She lives in the Xinling Mountains. 
