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How to stop hair loss with home remedies

  How to stop hair loss with home remedies

How to stop hair loss with home remedies

The most recent statistical studies on male baldness worldwide award the silver medal to Spain. Our country is the second in the world with the highest rates of alopecia. 42.6% of Spaniards suffer severe hair loss, being only surpassed by the Czech Republic.

If hair loss occurs occasionally between autumn and winter, it is what is known as seasonal fall. And, the hair on the scalp has an annual cycle, with most of the follicles in the anagen or growth phase. In the telogen or resting phase is when the hair begins to fall out.

There are also multiple causes why we may be losing hair, so before starting any treatment we recommend you go to a specialist.

In another article we already talked about how to grow hair. Now we will talk about the causes and some natural treatments to prevent your fall.

How many hairs fall out per day

Hair is always in a continuous regeneration process. Each hair lives between 2 and 6 years and goes through a series of phases, the capillary life cycle, which are growth, stagnation and loss.

It is estimated that a person can have an average of one hundred thousand hairs, of which they lose between 50 and 150 every day. A figure that is not always the same since, as we have mentioned, we suffer the ravages of the seasonal fall. For this reason, it is practically impossible to accurately predict the amount of hair we lose each day.

If we lose hair every day, when do we know that our hair is losing excessively? To answer this question, we can do the following test: if pulling the hair detaches more than two or three hairs, the loss is being more intense than normal.

Why hair falls out

There are several reasons that can explain the reason for hair loss. The treatment or the remedy to follow to stop this fall will depend on the cause that causes it.

Stress: this disorder affects certain hormones such as cortisol, responsible for hair loss. Fortunately, once these problems are solved, hair loss stops.

An unbalanced diet: hair requires a large amount of energy and nutrients to build keratin. That is why, when we do not eat a healthy diet, the person is usually prescribed vitamins to strengthen the follicle.

Age is another determining factor in hair loss. Aging and hereditary causes are related to hair loss depending on age. Hereditary baldness happens much more in men than in women and can start after puberty.

These are the most common causes. Others may be related to problems of anemia or lack of iron, excessive use of shampoo and hair dryer, hormonal changes, certain thyroid diseases, hairstyles that put strain on the hair follicles, bacterial infections of the scalp, etc.

How to stop hair loss with natural remedies

There are a series of home remedies that we can put into practice for hair loss:

1. Green tea

It is a drink that has a large amount of antioxidants that help hair growth and strengthening. We can prepare a cup of green tea, let it cool and pour it as a tonic on the hair once we have showered. This remedy can be used about twice a week.

2. Almond oil and rosemary oil

They are also very beneficial for the hair. With just a few drops of either of these two oils in the hand we can give ourselves a small massage on the scalp, without having to rinse the hair afterwards. This massage will stimulate hair growth.

3. Olive oil

We just have to apply a few drops to the hair and massage gently for 15-20 minutes every two days. The results we get are stronger and shinier hair.

4. Onion

It is a vegetable that improves blood circulation in hair follicles. We can extract the juice from an onion, apply it on the head and leave it to act for about 30 minutes. Then we wash the hair as usual. This treatment can be repeated twice a week for three months.

5. Beet juice

It is very healthy for hair health, as it contains carbohydrates, proteins, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins B and C. We boil some beet leaves, crush them and mix them with a little henna. Once we have a paste, it is applied all over the scalp, left on for about 20 minutes and rinsed off with plenty of water.

Hair loss is therefore a process that, to a greater or lesser extent, all people can suffer. In some cases, the fall is much more serious, so it will be necessary to go to a specialist to evaluate the situation.
