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What do you know about the casuario bird

What do you know about the  casuario bird

What do you know about the  casuario bird

The cassowary is possibly one of the most unknown animals on Earth but, at the same time, it also has a dubious honor under its belt: that of being considered the most dangerous bird in the world. Well, that animal that looks so much like an ostrich claimed its last victim last Friday: it happened in Alachua (Florida, USA), where a man who had this exotic animal in his home lost his life after serious injuries. caused by his attack. Marvin Hajos, 75, had decided to keep this endangered animal inside his house as a pet. It is a really striking animal, not only because of its spectacular size - it can measure up to two meters in wingspan and weigh about 80 kilos - but because of its beautiful colors - black, blue, and red - and the impressive keratin crest with the, that counts in your head. But its great secret lies elsewhere: its legs.

And, despite its beauty, its legs have several monumental claws on each of its limbs that can become a lethal weapon. A paw that can measure more than 10 centimeters, completely sharp and with which they manage to finish in a matter of seconds with any animal they consider a threat. The power of its claw turns an attack into a deadly one in a matter of seconds. For all this, the cassowary is considered by experts as very dangerous, obviously not suitable as a domestic animal. This theory was reinforced in 2017 when National Geographic experts managed to find a completely unknown species of dinosaur to date, but whose characteristics were directly linked to those of this animal, an evolution of that specimen that stepped on Earth millions of years ago.

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Considering her speed, her strength and the dangerous claw she has, there is still one more element that makes her especially dangerous: the difficulty to understand why she attacks. Despite the fact that experts have worked with the objective of analyzing a pattern, they have only been able to reach a non-definitive conclusion: it is more likely to attack when frightened and when it relates to a human being as its food source.
