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General characteristics of buffalo


 General characteristics of buffalo

General characteristics of buffalo

Buffaloes are large bovids that come mainly from Southeast Asia. Wild buffalo and domestic buffalo can be found today and can be found in many parts of the world. It is a quadruped and mammalian animal, as well as a ruminant. They are very similar to bulls but buffaloes do not have a dewlap and their origins are established 4500 years ago, in Asia, specifically in present-day India and Pakistan, although at present they are also present in the rest of the continents of the earth.

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1 General characteristic of buffalo

2 Where do buffaloes live?

3 What do buffalo eat?

4 How does the buffalo reproduce?

5 Domestication of buffalo

6 Conservation of buffalo

General characteristics of buffalo

Buffaloes are large animals that can measure almost two meters, in some cases weighing up to 1200 kilos. There is sexual dimorphism and the females are always smaller, without normally reaching 1000 kilos in weight. Their body does not have much hair and the one they have is short. They can be white to black, going through different shades.

The horns of the buffalo are flat but curved towards the back, and their tips are really separated, being able to be carried from one to another up to 1.2 meters. They are large animals and depending on the species the hair is more or less dense. As for their length, they can measure up to 3.5 meters and there have been cases of animals weighing 1500 kilos. According to the species, the horns also vary, the largest being those of the African buffalo. The horns of the males are always larger than those of the female specimens.

Where do buffaloes live?

Although Asia continues to be the area of ​​the world that contains the largest population of buffalo, it should be noted that it was also introduced in Africa, Europe, and Australia, where it presents differences with the buffalo of Indonesia. Later they were also introduced in America, from where they are also very characteristic.

General characteristics of buffalo

They form several families of similar animals and live in large plains, in savannas with trees, in mountains, and in very dense forests where they have as much vegetation as possible and water to survive. They cannot be found in the driest areas or where there is a lot of water. All species are found in flat areas and tend to walk in herds, many of them inhabiting areas with swamps, where they feel very comfortable because they have very wide hooves.

What do buffaloes eat?

The buffalo is a species of herbivorous animal that usually feeds in flat areas and meadows, where they eat everything from herbs to all kinds of branches. At night and during cooler periods they also eat herbs, many plants, and leaves of all kinds. When it is very hot they sleep and are ruminant animals in swamps or areas with mud. They also usually hide in shady places or in areas of thick scrub, where they also feed.


How does the buffalo reproduce?

The type of reproduction of buffaloes varies according to the different species in question. In general, the gestation time is normally eleven months, longer than that of humans. Most females usually have only one offspring, although there may be exceptions in which two or three specimens are born. Buffaloes, both males, and females, are considered sexually mature between the ages of five and eight. When buffaloes reach sexual maturity, and from that moment on, they usually stay in groups or herds, since they are very social animals.

Buffalo domestication

Buffaloes, in addition to appearing in the wild in the wild, have been domesticated, among other purposes, to pull the plow in paddy fields, as they move very well in muddy areas. This happens especially in areas of Asia, but also in Europe, especially in Italian areas, they are used for carving, as well as their milk is highly valued to make the famous mozzarella that is used in pizzas and in many more recipes. The skin and meat of these animals are also used for different purposes, such as lining some garments. It is for all this that in some places, especially in the United States, they have become a threatened species, since indiscriminate hunting of them has led to a large decrease in the number of specimens present in this area of ​​the world, which have been relegated to small territories further south.

Buffalo Conservation

At present, the buffalo and its different subspecies are not considered as an endangered animal, since it is believed that there are at least 141 million copies of these animals, only speaking of domestic buffalo and especially their presence in the area of ​​Asia. Although it should be noted that, on the other hand, as wild animals, they are increasingly threatened because the tropical forests are being radically ended. Thus, the main predator of the buffalo is, as it happens with so many other species, the human being. In addition to this, tigers are also one of the main predators of buffalo. Sometimes buffalo are also easy prey for ones, especially the young of these animals, and in many cases, they are eaten by crocodiles.

Thus, it is believed that especially the American buffaloes have lost many, many limbs since they have been hunted for many years to eat their meat and use their skins. For example, the Native Americans used them as their main source of food, which has led them to almost become extinct. Thus, in these areas very strong efforts are currently being made to achieve the repopulation of buffalo, which have been relegated almost to the areas of Mexico. African buffaloes, on the other hand, as they are animals that have a very bad character, do not usually have too many predators, being their main enemy, as mentioned before, the human being, although sometimes they are also attacked by large jungle animals, such the lions or crocodiles present in the Nile River.
